HIL test runs for V2X/ADAS or recorded drive testing data is very often geo-located by the contained GNSS information. Depending on the application this data must be managed and related to the geolocation for further interpretation.
The S.E.A. product SpaceMasterGEO is a scalable, highly configurable database and mapping software for the flexible map based visualization of signals.
The S.E.A. product SpaceMasterV2X is based on telemetry software originally developed by S.E.A. for space mission telemetry handling together with DLR. Through well-defined import interfaces it can easily be integrated in existing data or test environments. Integration interfaces for the V2X and ADAS iiT test system data is available.
Test data can automatically be recorded into SpaceMasterV2X during the test run/drive test or imported subsequently later on. The user can access and visualize the data by client software or a web client. Unique visualization features and filter functions allow a focused selection and display of signals in the context of the surrounding environment (on a map), a very helpful and time saving feature for the evaluation of dynamic scenarios.
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